We then ate some good finger foods and everyone wrote a little note to Reuben and I for my scrap book. It was great reading those with him last night. Thank you!
After we had mingled and gotten our tummies full, we went out in the back yard to play another game. Everyone was broken into 5 teams of 3 and each given toilet paper to make a bridal gown on one teammate. They had 5 minutes to design the perfect wedding dress out of toilet paper and then I was to choose the winner. I laughed so hard watching everyone scramble to get the toilet paper to stay.

Sarah’ team (Mom & Julie) did the tube-top dress look. This one was my top pic as I could imagine this actually being a wedding dress. Ashley’s team (Lauren & Cori) made her a crisscross Hawaiian dress. Hers was my second favorite. We gave out miniature roses to all the winners, a bit of life and beauty to take home with them.

Back inside we had a trivia game of “How well do you know Shirlyn & Reuben?” It was great, my mom won, but we said it was unfair as she has known me forever and we went to the next winner. It was great because it was Connie, my mom-to-be. She got the second most right. I enjoyed knowing she knows so much about me.
We finally opened gifts and I enjoyed all the great naughty clothes I get to wear for Reuben on our honeymoon. I have at least one outfit for every night we are in Cabo. Some how, every one of them fit me perfect.

Thank you everyone for such a great memorable day. I had such a great time!