We have had such a great December together. Reuben has been working weekends as the doorman (or bouncer) at the River City Bar here in Hood River on the weekends. It is nice because I go out and hang out with him and am starting to get to know a few people now in town. I hope soon to get to have some girls I can chill with. He still works at Power Design during the week, this is just a new weekend hobby.
I have been working in Vancouver still but managed to (and just in time) get our house computer hooked up so I can work remotely from home. It was just in time as the weather came in hard and I was stuck at home. I have enjoyed sitting in my pj’s all day and working from home.
We went Christmas tree hunting with Mom and Dad Betts. We found a great tree that was as wide as it was tall. It is wonderful, our first Christmas together. Too bad the storm is keeping gifts from arriving on time and family to come for Christmas. My mom and his Grandmother planned on coming but the weather is holding them back. We plan to celebrate Christmas with my mom shortly after the weather calms down.

Another thing that makes me smile is being married. It is great getting to know each other deeper every day. Finding out things that bother the other person, finding out what foods we like and don’t like, and also finding out things about each other that make us tingle inside all over. The little things like a kiss for no reason, a squeezing of the hand, or public displays of affection. I am looking forward to years and years to come of finding out what makes Reuben tick, both good and bad.
I have learned to say I love you as often as I can, Kiss him passionately three times a day, and to never go to bed angry. Great advice from fellow married couples!
I hope all of you are staying warm and you have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New year.