Yep, we did it, we tied the knot!!! We don’t have the professional pictures back yet of our wedding, but here are some good ones from friends. You can also check out all the pictures Bruce McAlary took on his website, just Click Here.
I have to tell you all, September 6th, 2008 was the best day of my life. Nothing seemed to go wrong. I am so in love with my husband. I am so happy the Lord put us on this path together. It is such a blessing! I cannot describe to you how much he makes me happy and I hope that through the good times and the bad, with the Lord by our side, we can overcome all obstacles and grow stronger.
Wedding Details:

Friday night 9/5/08, we all met up at his parent’s house to finish setting up and have the rehearsal and dinner. It was also Reuben’s 27th Birthday so it was a big celebration. We rehearsed the wedding and then had a great BBQ (Connie made way too much food) and then had cake for his birthday. Reuben opened up some gifts and then we decided to head over to River City bar and have some drinks on our last night out. We had a good time, but the girls decided to call it a night at 11:00, I think the guys stayed out till 12 or 1. Katie, Jaque, my sister and I all shared a room at the hotel. They crashed, I could not sleep. I kept thinking about my big day. This day I had been dreaming about my whole life, and here it was, right around the corner. The anticipation…

At about 7:00am it was rise and shine time… I was already awake at 5. The girls took showers and met up with Jason and Traci to head to my favorite bagel shop and have breakfast. Yummy… The guys ate at the hotel restaurant. We then went down to the reception hall to start decorating and Traci took over from there so the rest of us could get to the house. We all met up at The Betts farm and finished the last minute decorations. Guys and Girls alike, we all had tasks. Then it was off to get beautiful.

I have to tell you all, September 6th, 2008 was the best day of my life. Nothing seemed to go wrong. I am so in love with my husband. I am so happy the Lord put us on this path together. It is such a blessing! I cannot describe to you how much he makes me happy and I hope that through the good times and the bad, with the Lord by our side, we can overcome all obstacles and grow stronger.
Wedding Details:

The guys got ready in the yarn shop while the girls were in the master bedroom. Kelly did my hair and wow was it perfect. Then she started on mom and the other girls. Minnie did my make-up. Thank god for waterproof mascara, I needed it. Jaque laced up my dress. Katie put on my veil. Mom put on my jewelry. Grandpa put on the locket that was my great, great, grandmothers and that my Grandmother wore in her wedding. It had a picture of her in it as well. Having him put on that locket made me cry and test my makeup… yep, makeup still ok. Once we were all primped, fluffed, padded, hair sprayed, and perfect, we headed out for my first look with Reuben at about 12:30PM.

Reuben stood at the alter with his back to me and I walked up the isle. He then turned and saw me all dolled up. We both cried. He said he loved my dress. We kissed and then it was off to take our group shots and family portraits. Man is it difficult to get everyone in the right place, looking at the camera, all at the same time. It took about 2 hours to get through them all and it was off to the bedroom with me again to hide till the ceremony. It was onto more primping and waiting. I was anxious to get out there and marry him.

As we lined up and Noah played the cello as the pairs walked out, I grabbed my mom’s arm and we both got teary eyed. There I was, on the biggest day of my life, and my mom was there to hold my hand and give me away. I was ready, excited, and felt like a princess. First out walked Sarah and Logan (both our siblings). Then it was Miranda and James, Traci and Forbes, Holley and Mark, Jaque and Tim, and finally Katie and Adam. They all looked so wonderful. The girls dressed in individualized brown dresses that seemed to work together perfectly, and the guys in silk pants, cream shirts and brown ties. Man do we have good looking friends. As I was prepping to take my walk (5 sets of 16), my boss James, snuck in behind me and blew me a kiss and then snuck back outside. It was a great moment for me as he is not only a boss but a mentor in my life and it was very nice to have him wish me off. Ok here we go… I thought.
The flower girls, Anna and NovaLee, threw peddles down in small bits and at the end of the isle, dumped out the rest of the baskets so there was a large pile of rose peddles right at the front. It was cute. Then, Sincerey walked topaz, the Alpaca, down the isle. He was our ring barer and so was the guard dog Charlie. It was the cutest thing. Topaz had a bowtie and a pillow with rings stuck to his back. Then it was my turn. Mom and I walked slowly across the deck and then up the stairs. It was so great to see so many wonderful people there to support Reuben and me on that glorious day. As we walked down I could feel my mom’s arm tighten on mine. When she gave me away, she lifted my veil, and kissed me… then started to cry (or in Shaw terms “pee-pee all over her face).

To symbolize the two becoming one, Reuben and I decided to have a sand ceremony and poor sand of two colors together. Mine was ivory, his red. As these two containers were poured together, the individual containers of sand no longer existed, but were joined together as one. Never again will the sand be separated into its own jars of color. While we were pouring the sand, Shirley sang another song for us, Faith Hill’s “Just Breathe”. We had time while she sang to take in and look at each friend or family member that was there for us. We enjoyed taking the moment to absorb it all and breathe together.

Once the song was finished, Eric then pronounced us Man and Wife and Reuben kissed his bride. YAY… that was the best part. Then we were introduced as Mr. and Mrs. Betts. I gave out a happy “YAY” and we walked down the isle together. Bubbles were blowing all around us. It was perfect!
After saying hello to everyone in the receiving line, Reuben and I were off to go take our personal pictures with Mt. Hood in the background. While everyone headed down to the hotel, we snuck off to a farm and field to have fun and take pictures together as man and wife. The lighting was so perfect and Laura (our photographer) wanted to take more and more pictures of us. Those will be posted soon. Then it was off to the Reception to Party and celebrate.
Thank you to everyone who made it out to the wedding. It was wonderful to see each of you and have you all support us on this glorious day.
We love you all,
Mr. and Mrs. Betts
After saying hello to everyone in the receiving line, Reuben and I were off to go take our personal pictures with Mt. Hood in the background. While everyone headed down to the hotel, we snuck off to a farm and field to have fun and take pictures together as man and wife. The lighting was so perfect and Laura (our photographer) wanted to take more and more pictures of us. Those will be posted soon. Then it was off to the Reception to Party and celebrate.
Thank you to everyone who made it out to the wedding. It was wonderful to see each of you and have you all support us on this glorious day.
We love you all,
Mr. and Mrs. Betts
Mr. & Mrs. Betts!!! We could not be more happy for the two of you. I am so impressed that you remembered that much! I read it and it seemed like just yesterday... we are really missing you guys and really hope that we will get a chance to see you guys when we come back for a few days... we send out love and continued congratulations!!!
Huge congrats!! I've been waiting for these pics! You looked incredible!
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