Had just settled down for a long winter's nap."
These little figurines were my Grandmother’s. I have 5 of them each holding something different. Every year when I put them out for Christmas, I remember my Grandmother and how much she loved the holidays. I miss the big celebrations we had as a family. It has been 5 years since she passed away from cancer. The last Christmas with her was such a large one with all the family there. This year we will be traveling to Eastern Oregon for a large Christmas gathering and it will be the first one our whole family will be getting together since she has passed away. I know my Grandmother will be there with us celebrating the joys of family, friends, and love. Here is to you Grandma!
What a great weekend it has been. Reuben went Snowboarding with buddies Thursday. Friday we went into Portland for an overnight birthday party and today we finished up Christmas shopping and I went to a baby shower. With all that running around, we are both ready to settle down for a long winter’s nap, (well at least until the little angel herself wakes up).
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