Monday, May 7, 2012

Evelyn's Baby Violet

My “other Mom,” Nancy McAlary, got this baby for Evelyn for us to bring to her when we brought Travis home from the hospital.  It included all the necessities needed for a baby; diapers, wipes, bottles, clothes, bibs, hats, blankets, etc. It also had a book that I remember reading as a child (Baby Dear) that is a Golden Book.  It tells the story about how Mommy and Daddy brought home a baby and how the little girl got a baby just her own too. In the book, the little girl does the same thing as the Mommy like feeding, changing diapers, etc.  Evelyn LOVED it.  She calls her Violet and doesn’t go to bed without getting Violet ready just like we get Travis ready for bed.

She is already a GREAT BIG SISTER!

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