We welcomed Evelyn Grace Betts on January 8, 2010 at 11:32am. She was 9 pounds even, and 20 1/4" long. Evelyn's head circumference was 14 3/4".
We went into the hospital at 1:30am and I was dilated to 4cm on arrival. Both my Mom and Reuben’s Mom and Dad arrived at about 3:00am. The Mom’s stayed in the room with us and Dad Betts waited in the lobby.
At about 7:00am I had dilated to 8cm and our Dr. broke the bag-of-waters. From then on we were in active labor. At around 9:15am I started the transition phase of labor.
At 11:32am, Evelyn made her arrival with an all natural birth. Daddy Reuben cut her cord and she was placed on my chest. She began nursing right away.
On the APGAR score at one minute Evelyn was a 9 and at five minutes she was a 10. (The scale is from 1-10 with 10 being the best score you can get).
When I get some more time I will post a blog about our experience, but we just wanted to share some of the basic details with you and share her first photos. We are blessed to have Evelyn Grace in our lives.
The Betts (family of three)
Way to make me cry! The pic with Reubens hands on your fore head... I know and love that look, it made me laugh but he rest made me cry... we send our love, congrats and best wishes. What an exciting experience you guys were able to share with one another! Keep up the good work and of course... WELCOME baby Evelyn!!! I can not wait to hold you and kiss and introduce you to Kaiser, he is a cutie if I do say so myself!
What a beautiful couple you are, welcoming the birth of your sweet baby Evelyn. Congratulations!!
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